Monday, February 15, 2010

I have to post a shot of Kamrie in her new Lady Bug Rain coat! It's a little big on her but i just had to get it for her! It's getting harder and harder to get her to sit still for pictures so i'm glad i have a fast shutter speed on my camera or i wouldn't be able to capture half of her sweet little smiles! :)

I know this isn't the best picture but i had to post it! This is right after Dillon announced how much he didn't like the fact that he got clothes for a gift! If you notice Misty and I are in the back ground still dying of laughter and Kamrie is crying because everyone was laughing so hard it scared her! What you don't see is all the people behind the camera that were dying laughing also! I guess you just had to be there, but it was a laugh like i hadn't had in a long while!

The Birthday Boy Dillon and his cool Spiderman Cake! He was so excited and it was cute how he sang Happy Birthday with everyone!

Little miss Kamrie was happy as long as a unfamiliar face didn't try to talk to her or hold her! It's so funny when she sticks out that bottom lip and starts crying like someone just pinched her! I love this little girl and Iam having so much fun being mommy to ANOTHER Baby Girl!

One of the valentine's treats we got for the girls... I thought they were soo cute, they are cupcake shaped marshmellow's on a stick.

Love day & B-day party

What a fun Valentines Day we had! We exchanged Valentines gifts and then headed out for my nephew Dillon's 5th Birthday party. He is getting sooo Big!.... and Hilarious! He made it clear to everyone there that he did not want clothes! He got alot of stuff and the clothes that he got were too cute, but i guess a 5 yr. old doesnt appreciate clothes as much as a toy! It was such a neat party, all the kid's dressed up and they watched a movie and ate popcorn while the adults got to hang out and talk... ( i forgot to let the girls wear there dress up clothes but they didn't notice! ) Kamrie has well reached the " Trust vs. Mistrust" stage... if its a face she doesn't recongnize she sticks her bottom lip out and starts screaming!

Monday, February 8, 2010

What a week it has been! The end of Jeramy's work week proved to be one of the worst yet! He has a severely sprained ankle that could take up to 6 weeks to heal. This means my life for the next 6 weeks will be rough! It already has been! I'm so used to him carrying the car seat, taking out the trash, cleaning while i'm gone at work... oh i feel like i havent got to sit down for two seconds!

On another note I am very proud of Kaylee.. She has had a rough start at school since she didn't have basic knowledge down before she started kindergarden.. So she started off on a left foot and since then she has been very discouraged. I have been working hard with her and her main problem now is Confidence! She knows all she needs to know to read she just doesnt believe in herself! She see's a tutor every Thursday and last Thursday her tutor had the exact same statement... She needs to believe in herself! So for the past two Friday's she has gotten 100% on her spelling test! I think just that little bit of success has helped her out tremendously! So this week we are trying something new. Which is going to be hard for me with a hurt husband and three kids, but I think we are going to try no T.V. on school nights... I'll either have her practice spelling words.. or write them, and then we can read together. Although I don't want to overwhelm her I know all the practicing we did with her spelling words paid off! So we will see how this week goes!

Kamrie is finally sitting up! She likes dancing, moving her body back and forth but she finally has balance down in the sitting category! Another thing... Kynzie has taught Kamrie how to scream, those of you who know Kynzie understand why this is a problem! Oh geez.. my mom really jinxed me! I have two little girls that are just like i was when i was little! I drove my parents crazy so my mom wished it apon me! So now here I am with Double Trouble!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Making snow angels

Here's a picture of the snow angel kaylee made. I plan on getting a picture everytime she makes one. I'll never forget when she was 3 yrs. old and it had sleeted with a little bit of snow ... i got the girls all ready to go and as soon as we walked out the front door kaylee layed down and started flapping her arms and legs to make a snow angel! It wasn't too long before she felt the melted snow and ice soaking through her clothes and she jumped up and started screaming.... She is so funny and never fails to make me laugh!

Friday, January 29, 2010

I decided to create a blog on this snowed in day because i am sooo bored! I let the girls go out in the snow earlier to play, lets just say it took them longer to bundle up than they lasted outside! They came in screaming about being so cold! Kaylee was begging me to start a fire.. Kynzie was the lucky one to have snow bib's so she didn't get as cold! I love the snow but i have to admit, i'm getting a little cabin fever because i'm not one that can stay cooped up for too long! My mom and step dad's power went out at 5 a.m. this morning so they were on there way to get a hotel room before i convinced them to come and hang out with us! It's going to be a good night hanging with granny and cooking!